Freedom Within The Form

A maladroit melange of melancholic malarkey and moilic malaise

My Photo
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

I am by qualification a Mathematician and Biologist; by trade a Web Programmer; by interest a Philosopher; by nature a Fool; and by grace a Christian.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Blog

Well, I've done it... I've gone and got myself a new blog!

This is partly because my old one had a silly name, and I'd like to post things of a more serious/contemplative nature (though not necessarily conclusive or final). I'll still keep my old blog, it'll just be open to my friends though, where I can discuss more informal things.

Hopefully I don't come across as being arrogant or judgmental in any way. I recognise that there are a lot of different opinions out there, it's just that they're all wrong I don't think they have the scope/reflect the nature of things as broadly or as accurately as the ideas which I subscribe to do, or could do at least. I'm looking for truth as much as any other, and I know it may be a long time before I get any degree of real certainty on many matters. But for now I've committed myself to the path that I'm on... it'll take a lot of listening, consideration and prayer, but hopefully I'll come to a state where my understanding of things will be genuinely helpful to others. So for now you'll just have to put up with me :)